The ABCs of Subverting the Patriarchal Paradigm

The "baby shower" book from the Netflix hit The Incredible Jessica James is HERE!

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Send a pic of yourself subverting the patriarchy to to be featured on this page and on the Coyneworks Instagram!

Jessica James Poster.jpg

"The Incredible Jessica James," directed by James Strouse and starring Jessica Williams and Chris O'Dowd


Actress Susan Hayward with the "Peaches" spread

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A couple subverting the Paradigm in Cambridge, Mass.


This picture came with the caption, "Let me explain this page to you."


An Incredible Jessica James fan in Barcelona

Reader Mark Hendrickson subverting the patriarchy in Barcelona

Reader Mark Hendrickson subverting the patriarchy in Barcelona

A London barrister subverting the patriarchy

A London barrister subverting the patriarchy

A Roman subverting the patriarchy in her hometown

A Roman subverting the patriarchy in her hometown

Three New Yorkers subverting the patriarchy in Rome

Three New Yorkers subverting the patriarchy in Rome